
This was a project I began during Grade 10. Initially, I wanted to create something, anything to help people (like myself) reduce time doom-scrolling and wasting away on the internet. The first version of the solution I thought up was to create a Google Chrome Extension that could watch how much time you spent on websites then connect your data to an LLM that could act as your screentime coach. I coded up a prototype but the LLM provided unspecific and ineffective feedback for the user. So next I moved on, instead of using virtual tracking of screentime, I wanted to try physical tracking. I prototyped using an accelerometer connected to a processor which I coded to detect when the acceleration values lined up with a swiping motion. Surprisingly the swipe tracking was actually accurate! Thus I submitted my project to Google’s IgniteCS competition and won 2nd place in my category! This project is a proof of concept—in the future when phones become even more addictive, SwipeVigil could become an extremely useful wearable: it gives you key insight into your own habits. When you pull out your phone…At what times of day…When you are feeling what emotion… This info is crucial to “know thyself“ and conquer dark technology!